Blocked drains, leaking pipes and trapped air in pipes are all common plumbing problems that our experienced plumbers are equipped to resolve for you.

When you request a general plumbing job, you will be receiving industry accredited, trustworthy and committed workmanship from each and every one of our plumbers in Cheshire.

Common plumbing problems

There are a number of common plumbing problems that our team of experts sees on a regular basis. Whether it’s a blocked drainpipe which requires the blockage to be removed and pipes examined or something more serious such as leaking pipes, our team can help you out.

It’s important these jobs are undertaken by trained plumbing professionals, as issues such as leaky pipes can have direct consequences on workplace safety. As well as damage to your property, carpets, and floorboards, leaking pipes can also pose a threat to your workforce. If wastewater comes into contact with any live electrical wiring or appliances, it can be fatal for anyone who steps into an electrified puddle or on to a wet carpet.

In both of these plumbing instances, support from professional tradespeople is required, and one phone call to KDE will result in one being instructed right away. As well as a trained plumber, it may be necessary for us to dispatch an electrician or heating engineer for certain plumbing jobs in Cheshire. Whatever your need, we will ensure the right tradespeople are on hand to carry out the work effectively and efficiently.

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