Damp in the home can be a major problem, causing damage to the structure of the building and creating an unhealthy living environment. It is important to identify the type of damp and take the appropriate measures to get rid of it. In this blog, we will discuss three common types of damp and how to spot and get rid of them.

  1. Rising Damp

Rising damp is caused by water rising up through the walls of a building from the ground. The most common signs of rising damp include:

  • A tide mark on the wall, usually around 1 meter high
  • Peeling or flaking paint or wallpaper
  • A musty smell
  • Damp or rotting skirting boards

To get rid of rising damp, a damp-proof course (DPC) must be installed. This is a layer of material, such as plastic or bitumen, that is inserted into the walls of the building to prevent water from rising up through the walls. A professional should be consulted to install a DPC as it is important to ensure that it is installed correctly.

  1. Penetrating Damp

Penetrating damp is caused by water entering the building through the roof, walls or windows. The most common signs of penetrating damp include:

  • Water marks or stains on the walls or ceiling
  • Damp or musty smell
  • Peeling or flaking paint or wallpaper

To get rid of penetrating damp, the source of the problem must be identified and repaired. This could include fixing a leaky roof, repairing damaged windows or repointing brickwork. It is important to address the problem as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the building.

  1. Condensation

Condensation is caused by moisture in the air condensing on cold surfaces, such as windows or walls. The most common signs of condensation include:

  • Water droplets on the windows or walls
  • Black mold on the walls or ceilings
  • A musty smell

To get rid of condensation, the humidity levels in the home must be reduced. This can be achieved by:

  • Opening windows to allow fresh air to circulate
  • Using extractor fans in the kitchen and bathroom
  • Drying clothes outside or in a well-ventilated room
  • Insulating the home to prevent cold surfaces

It is important to keep an eye out for signs of damp and address any issues as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the building and ensure a healthy living environment.

If you are unsure about how to deal with damp you can speak to the KDE Team on 01928 711444.

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